Video Demo Update: Hot Products tool

Using the Hot Products tool, find groups of products that share keywords in common and have a high success rate. Dig down to the category of your choice to personalize your research.

International Research

Want to know what your product sells for in other markets? Use international research to discover opportunities all over the world.
Use the preferences menu to adjust time and currency displayed as well.

Top Titles and Top Sellers

Want to know who’s the top seller for a particular product, or what item sells best for a particular seller?
Use these tips to find the research you need to succeed.

Research an item

Find out how to research any item, and control the reporting options on the search report. Find the optimal format, price and time of day or week to list your product.

Research a Seller

Find out the key to your competitors’ success by analyzing his/her selling behavior.

Researching eBay categories to know what to sell

In this video we look at Terapeak’s full suite of Category Research and show you how to spot products that are making over $50,000 a week and also how to find sellers making over $110,000 a week. It has never been easier to spot million dollar opportunities on eBay.

Save a search and save time researching eBay

Using Terapeak’s save search option will let you receive weekly eBay research emails right to your inbox.

eBay Research Advanced Filtering Techniques for Terapeak

When using Terapeak’s eBay Research, make sure to use some of the more advanced filtering techniques to make sure you are researching only the specific product you are wanting to analyze. Remove accessories or wacko listings easily.

Setting your Terapeak Preferences

When using Terapeak’s eBay Research it is best to set your default preferences to make sure the data is displayed in your timezone and currency. There are also additional settings available.

Trend eBay Categories for 2 Years

Have you ever wondered when the Christmas season begins on eBay? Well, with Terapeak’s 2 year eBay category trends you can spot seasonality, new niche marketings, and find hot new product categories.